I so love the harvest festivals. Even in our modern world the idea of taking a breath and bringing in the harvest from all your hard work is just so relevant and powerful. 

Yesterday marks the start of the 30 days of Goddess course that I am taking and today marks the start of Faeriedaughter's One Month of Witchery.  Both things which have helped provoke the whirlwind of ideas in my head and my heart.  Thoughts which have yet again turned to career and such worldly matters.

I am a huge believer that there shouldn't be a mundane and a magickal world, but they are one and the same.  However I am not great at moving in the two worlds at the same time.  I am working on it with plans and to do lists but it is slow hard work. 

Today I have been so caught in this whirlwind that I thought I should take a little time to remember what I have achieved in the few short months since I started this journey.  Many of them need more work but that is not the point of this post, the inner demon of perfectionism can take today off, thank you very much!

1. Got this website up and running.
2. I have got a first draft of an e-book written.
3. I have undergone a big transformation in what I think it is possible to do with my life.
4. I have worked out how to make videos and upload them.
5. I have completed the first 1/3 of a Master's degree.
6. In the earlier part of the year, my Ladies and I completed a multi-part lengthy magical working which was the culmination of several rituals and lots of hard work.  It was great stuff though!

Which is a lot of things.

 I want to encourage everyone on this first harvest of the year to reap what they have sown, take five minutes to recognise some of your achievements so far this year.  Then give yourself a pat on the back!
8/1/2011 08:27:44 am

I really like the idea of taking stock of one's achievments up to this point of the year - we truly do reap what we sow!

I realise that I spend so much of my time and mental energy making lists of things that need doing that I forget to look back at the things I have actually done!
My main achievement thus far this year is to have lost 10% of my body weight and have dropped at least one dress size! This is so exciting because not only do I feel better but I'm fitter and healthier as well.
I'm also having a course of Esoteric Massage with a lovely lady who is studying the subject and invited me to be a "guinea pig". This type of healing works on very deep energetic levels and helps to clear the body of stale, unwanted energies. It is great to honour your body in this way!

I'm fascinated by Crop Circles and this coming Friday I and another member of our of little group, are going up in a helicopter to see the latest circles in
the Avebury area of Wiltshire, UK.

8/3/2011 11:05:02 pm

The Esoteric Massage sounds really interesting Amalthea! Let me know how it goes.


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